10th Annual Study Abroad Photo Contest hosted by the Computing Center at Cox Hall

Photo of student winner
Photo of student winner
Emory student Caitlyn Arno standing with her winning photo of a Ugandan sunset.

Photo lovers should descend once again on the Computing Center at Cox Hall where the team has curated the 10th Annual Study Abroad Photo Contest. Dozens of amazing student photographs are on display in a variety of categories.

These students all studied abroad during the spring, summer, or fall of 2017 and the photos were taken along their travels.

Amelia Frances, the interim computing center coordinator, led the effort to curate the exhibit. The categories were Emory Abroad, Global Headlines, Culture and Customs, and The World is Your Classroom. This was Amelia’s first time curating the contest. “I called upon Tara McCurley‘s expertise,” said Amelia, “and she explained the whole process to me.”

A group of judges from across campus, which included students, faculty, and staff, voted on the winners. Over 100 photos were entered into the contest. “This contest continues a long-standing tradition of promoting student art in the Computing Center at Cox Hall,” said Kim Braxton, director of academic technology services.

Photo of a gallery
Over 100 photos were entered in this year’s contest.

Mary Lynn Dalton, the coordinator of the contest and a study abroad advisor, enjoys her collaboration with the Computing Center. “Studying abroad can be a transformative experience – academically, personally, and professionally,” said Mary Lynn, “The photo contest is a fantastic event because it brings these experiences to life so that other students can picture themselves walking in the same shoes.”

The overall winner was Caitlyn Arno, an anthropology and human biology major, who researched development studies in Uganda. “It was so much fun!” said Caitlyn. “We could only submit three photos, and reviewing the photos allowed me to think back on all of my wonderful experiences studying abroad.” Caitlyn is from Louisville, Kentucky.

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