New LEAF Committee announced

LEAF Coffees are a monthly place to network with colleagues and discuss concerns with LEAF members.

The newest version of the Library Employee Advocacy Forum (LEAF) has been announced. LEAF’s vision is to bolster a community where each person can feel empowered to succeed. The committee is comprised of members elected by each of the library’s departments and terms usually last two years. LEAF serves as a liaison between the University Librarian and the employees and organizes events such as the monthly LEAF Coffees and the end-of-year Emory Libraries Holiday Party.

Current members are:

Officers –

  • Doug Goans, Assistant Director for Library Technology – Chairman
  • Becky Sherman, Project Archivist, Rose Library – Vice-Chair / Secretary
  • Amanda Adams, Library Specialist, Goizueta Business Library – Treasurer
  • Anna Miles, Repository Specialist – Communications Coordinator
  • Kathy Britt-Rogers, ILL Lending Coordinator – Elections Coordinator

Representatives –

  • Collin Brittle, IT Product Manager, Digital Library
  • Maya Cody, Events Manager, CCR
  • NaVosha Copeland, Archives Specialist, Rose Library
  • Tricia Goddard, Educational Analyst II, Teaching and Learning Technologies
  • Kathy Hayes, Educational Analyst II, Teaching and Learning Technologies
  • Cedrika Haynes, Security Specialist, Library Security
  • Robert Kruse, Academic Technologist II, Student Digital Life
  • Anna Lech-Mlynarz, Sr. Library Specialist Research Management, Order Services
  • Peter Shirts, Music Librarian, Music and Media Library
  • Sue Trowbridge, Sr. Bibliographic Management Specialist, Bibliographic Maintenance
  • Erich Wendt, Sr. Library Specialist, Library Service Desk
  • Rhonda Wynter, Office Manager, Rose Library

The next LEAF Coffee is August 14 at 2 p.m.

If you would like more information about LEAF or if you have issues to raise to leadership, please email LEAF at

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