Box collaboration with external (non-Emory) users

Box promotional graphic

Box promotional graphicBecause we’ve disabled anonymous collaboration in Emory Box, all your collaborators must have a Box account. The good news is that it can be an Emory Box account, a Box account from a company or other university, or even a free Box “Lite” account.*

  1. Determine who your external collaborators (any who do not have an or email address) are and find out if they already have a Box account through their organization. If so, ask them for the email address associated with that account. Note that in Box, email address = Box account name, so it is very important to use the email address associated with their Box account.
  2. For external people without existing Box accounts, they can sign up for a free Box Lite account HERE. Note: While this link and the web page may look like it is associated with Emory, the account created is not. It is not in the Emory Box domain and isn’t accessible nor supported by Emory. It can, however, be invited to collaborate with an Emory Box user, so make sure you get the associated email address from people who’ve created these accounts.
  3. For external people with Emory University or Healthcare sponsored accounts (that include EU or EHC email), they can be given access to Emory Box through a request process.  These sponsored accounts will have a 0 GB quota, so cannot accumulate unshared (private) information.  Instead, they can collaborate in all ways (upload, edit, download, preview, etc…) with this account, but only in folders shared with them from faculty or staff members.  More about how that works and how to request HERE.
  4. In the Box web interface, select the folder you wish to share, click the share button on the right, and select Invite Collaborators.  In the box marked Invite, type in the emails addresses from steps 1, 2, or 3. Then the next drop-down box allows you to select what permissions they have (see this MATRIX  for a description of each option.)

A word on sharing with links:  While you can send a link for a folder to anyone, they will receive an error if they try to follow it to the folder and they haven’t been invited as a collaborator at some level because we restrict anonymous (non-defined-collaborator) access to Emory content.

  • Please note that it is the responsibility of anyone sharing content to assure that both the data and collaborators are appropriate.  There are also additional guidelines for sharing sensitive data, particularly with free Box Lite accounts, which can be found here: 

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