David Smith, Access Services Librarian, Emory Libraries

Photo of new employee
Photo of new employee
“Coming to Emory was a great opportunity for me to combine my previous academic library work with all of my public library work that was geared more toward public service.” – David Smith

David Smith is the new access services librarian for the Woodruff Library service desk. Before Emory, David spent 10+ years at the Gwinnett County Public Library, first as public services librarian and then as branch manager. He began his library career at the University of Georgia main library, where he started life as a student worker in shelving, graduated to a staff position in shelving, then became reserves coordinator.

A native of New Hampshire, David was raised in Athens, GA. He has a bachelor’s degree in sociology from UGA and a master’s degree of library science from Florida State University.

David enjoys listening to podcasts and audio books. His favorite podcasts are technology-related, such as the ones on the Twit Network or Relay FM.

“Coming to Emory was a great opportunity for me to combine my previous academic library work with all of my public library work that was geared more toward public service,” said David. “This position seems like the perfect combination of all of my previous experience.”

You can reach him at david [dot] andrew [dot] smith [at] emory [dot] edu.

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