Emory Libraries Leadership Development Program finishes second cohort

From L to R: Kristian Serrano, Erin Mooney, Gretchen Warner, Melanie Kowalski, Hannah Rutledge, Colin Brittle, Dana Bryant, and Sarah Quigley. Not Pictured: Chase Lovellette, Marc Hardison and Ellen Neufeld.

The second Libraries Leadership Development Program recently completed its extensive training program, which included executive education, goal setting and review, crucial conversations to get better results, introduction to project management, situational leadership, the Birkman Method, and diversity and inclusion.

This second cohort took a year to complete and was developed to provide employees with effective tools and information to enhance leadership skills and abilities and to inspire high performance teams. All participants were assigned a mentor and developed a project relevant to their own area by identifying a new initiative or change in service, operation, workflow, or organization.

This year’s attendees were Colin Brittle, Marc HardisonMelanie Kowalski, Chase Lovellette, Erin Mooney, Ellen NeufeldSarah Quigley, Hannah Rutledge, Kristian Serrano, Dana Bryant, and Gretchen Warner. Their projects ranged from copyright support community of practice to implementation of a maintenance request form.

“I was flattered to have been chosen to participate and I appreciate immensely the investment Yolanda chose to make in each of us,” said Marc Hardison, Woodruff Library facilities manager.

Added Kristian Serrano, lead web developer, “I learned a lot about what leadership really means. Understanding that leadership isn’t about a title but a role and having the tools to lead effectively has changed everything about how I approach collaboration.”

“This leadership program provided skills and knowledge I was able to successfully and immediately apply to my job. It sparked new professional interests and provided a new level of self-awareness,” said Hannah Rutledge, head of clinical informationist services in the WHSC Library. “Additionally, I’ve gained a group of colleagues that I now consider friends, and a stronger connection to Emory and our libraries. Thank you, Yolanda, for this journey.”

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