Sarah Morris, Head of Instruction and Engagement, Research, Engagement, and Scholarly Communications

Photo of new employee
Photo of new employee
“I think coming to Emory is a great opportunity for me to empower students, faculty, and fellow librarians around instruction issues, and digital and information literacies.” – Sarah Morris

Sarah Morris is the new head of instruction and engagement in the research, engagement, and scholarly communications (RESC) department in Emory Libraries. She will also serve as a subject librarian for English. Before her arrival at Emory, Sarah spent two years as the learning and assessment librarian at the University of Texas in Austin. She also spent three years as the first-year experience librarian at Loyola University-Chicago, and four years in museum education for various children’s and art museums.

Born in Jacksonville, NC, Sarah grew up in Abilene, TX. She earned her bachelor’s degree in history at Southwestern University, a master’s degree of humanities, with a concentration in English literature, from the University of Chicago, and a master’s of science in information science from UT-Austin. Sarah is also the co-founder of an educational nonprofit called the Nucleus Learning Network.

Sarah is an accomplished violinist and loves classic movies, especially those of Alfred Hitchcock.

“I think coming to Emory is a great opportunity for me to empower students, faculty, and fellow librarians around instruction issues, and digital and information literacies,” said Sarah. “It’s a cool opportunity to bring people together.”

You can reach her at sarah [dot] e [dot] morris [at] emory [dot] edu.

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