Philippe Mongeau, Rare Book Cataloging Specialist, Rose Library

“The environment here is very supportive.” – Philippe Mongeau

Philippe Mongeau (pronounced fuh-LEE-pay MOHN-jhoe) is the new rare book cataloging specialist for African American materials in the Rose Library. Before coming to Emory, he worked as a Toronto Academic Library intern at the University of Toronto’s Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library.

Born in the US but raised in Montreal, Canada, Philippe holds a Diplôme d’Études Collégiales in creative arts from Marianopolis College, a bachelor of arts degree in English literature and art history from McGill University, and a master of information with a specialization in library and information science in collaboration with book history and print culture from the University of Toronto.

An avid Tolkien fan, Philippe spends his spare time reading, cooking, bookbinding, and playing Dungeons and Dragons. He hopes to pick up wood carving and/or puppetry in the future.

“I am very happy to have been given the opportunity to further develop my skills as a rare materials cataloger at Rose Library,” Philippe says. “The environment here is very supportive, and I look forward to learning more about the Library’s excellent collections.”

You can reach him at jean [dot] philippe [dot] mongeau [at] emory [dot] edu.

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