March sustainability moment

March is coming in like a lion and will hopefully go out like a lamb – going greener the whole way!

Zero Waste Initiative

Emory has set these laudably ambitious sustainability goals:  all events must be zero waste by 2020 (yes, next year), and by 2025 – compost, recycle or reuse at least 95% of food waste, non-hazardous animal bedding and construction materials. Landfills won’t go out of business, but they won’t continue to expand because of Emory, and the example we are setting is definitely getting attention.

Why is this important?







Zero Landfill Waste Events (from the OSI)

  • Zero Landfill Waste Trainings: We have one final Zero Landfill Waste training of the Spring semester on Thursday, 3/21/19, from 12:00-1:00pm (location TBD). Spread the word with those interested in learning more about recycling and composting at Emory. Folks can sign-up here for a training.
  • Recycling Center Tour: Please feel free to join us for our final Recycling Center tour of the semester on Friday, 3/29/19, from 3:00-4:00pm. 
  • Don’t forget to reference our new hard-to-recycle stations map for all of your hard-to-recycle needs.
  • We have recently updated our Waste Policy FAQs to reflect a new year of recycling and composting at Emory. Check out the FAQs and share any feedback you may have with us. Zero waste by 2020 – next year. Those landfill bins will be no more for Emory has found ways to recycle everything.

Extra Notes

  • Love your straw?  How about the paper ones (that some of us will remember as remarkably adequate and sustainable)?  I am not yet a fan of reusable straws (it’s the Mom thing – germ harbingers, ‘poke your eye out’ stuff) but I’m all for paper straws. Be amazed: go to Amazon and search “paper straws.”
  • America To Go (AtoG) should always be where Emory goes to arrange catered events:  the vendors signed contracts that say orders from AtoG MUST be 100% compostable/recyclable. If you order from that same vendor, independent of the AtoG site, they are NOT obligated to be 100% compostable/recyclable – I learned that the hard way.
  • No Farmer’s Market 3/12 (it’s Spring Break for Emory)
  • Cool Stories: our cardboard gets processed into Sweetwater and Home Depot boxes, while our plastic recycling gets processed into Mohawk carpets.
  • When you need to ‘get the word out’ and you plan to use fliers, be judicious with how many you place.  Don’t waste paper and ink; be smart about where you place your ‘visual.’  

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