New travel management partner to support all of Emory

On Monday, April 29Emory will have a new travel management partner to support all Emory University and Emory Healthcare travel efforts.

What you should know

The travel agency selection committee, which included several school chief business officers, global and student travel arrangers, evaluated and chose Corporate Travel Management (CTM) as the best travel management partner for Emory. CTM demonstrated the right mix of service excellence, strategic account management expertise and leading technologies that will enable travelers to:

  • Access pertinent travel information with access to a better booking tool
  • Search, book and modify flights, hotels (including Airbnb) and cars from a desktop or mobile device
  • Talk to a dedicated Emory travel agent
  • Book guests traveling with the Emory employee
  • Upload more than one credit card (including a personal card) to your profile
  • Access to Emory travel discounts, even when traveling for personal use
  • And more!

Learn more about the policy changes

Attend a Travel Outreach session, where you will learn more about the travel enhancements and our new travel provider. Sign up on ELMS to attend an upcoming outreach session:

April 22, 2019 11:00 am – 12:00 pm Woodruff Health Sciences Ctr. Auditorium
April 24 – 2019 1:00 – 2:00 pm Goizueta Business School – W100
May 23 – 2019 1:00 – 2:00 pm Cox Hall Ballroom


Register for Travel Outreach at: (search “travel”)

Keep up-to-date with all travel resources:  ETA Travel Page.

  • Quick-start checklist to set up your user profile and use the booking tool
  • Job Aids
  • Access the booking tool (when live)

LITS requirements with the change to the new travel agency (CTM)

  • LITS is requiring all travel be purchased using an Emory Corporate Card.

Apply for a Corporate Card at:

  • LITS is not allowing Direct Billing (use of ST) when purchasing travel through CTM.

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