LITS Green Notes for April

Chattahoochee Riverkeepers at the Emory Farmer’s Market

Through April 30, the Chattahoochee Riverkeepers will have a table at the Emory Farmer’s Market to help us learn about what’s so important about the Chattahoochee and what we need to be doing to protect it for future generations. Opportunities abound for getting involved with cleanup and so much more.

Oxford Organic Farm’s CSA Program

Oxford is back at the Farmer’s Market and they are delivering their Spring CSA (community supported agriculture) boxes of produce through June 27.  The summer season runs from July 11 through August 29, and the Fall season starts on September 12 and goes until November 14. Sign up at

You can read a recent article about the Oxford Organic Farm in a piece called, “We grow food – and food for thought.”

Move Out – Commencement – Staff Fest

We are closing in on the final chapter of the Spring Semester and lots of help is needed to make it end in recycling at every turn. Sign up to help be the change that gets Emory to the goal of 95% Landfill Diversion by 2025. (Date posted 5/9 for the First year Quad along with Dobbs, Alabama and the Complex).

Commencement is another remarkable opportunity to be Emory ambassadors in so many ways. On Monday, May 13, work from home to help with parking and traffic congestion if you are able, or bring your best smile and walking shoes to be an usher, information person, Coke slinger, etc.

To sign up: Chair Rodeo 5/8 and Graduation 5/13 or contact event management directly at commencement [at] emory [dot] edu, sustainability reps at the bin stations for graduation AND receptions across the campus.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle . . . Repair

Re-think the Reduce/Reuse/Recycle hierarchy; think about how you can fix it before you replace it. There’s a site called IFIXIT where you can fix many things for a fraction of the replacement cost. Repairing something can be as simple as taking it apart and cleaning it (like a portable fan), and some things might require a Phillips head screwdriver to remove a panel that lets you access a dryer belt for replacement.  Check it out and save big money while also keeping things out of the landfill.

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