New York Times digital access available to Emory for free

As you may have seen around the Woodruff Library (elevators, digital signage), we now have full digital access to the New York Times.

This has been a long time coming for the entire university, but good things come to those who wait, as the price has gone dramatically decreased in the last several years for the academic market.

The first step is to go to, and select Emory from the long drop down menu.

For more details as to how to create an account, or how to use the Emory account if you already have a personal account, see Jennifer Elder’s excellent blog post:

Feel free to share this news widely.

If you are having difficulty logging in to your account, you should go directly through the proxy link.

Special thanks to Susan Klopper, the College Council rep, Wincie Wang, CCR, and Jennifer Elder for getting us off the ground, troubleshooting, and marketing.

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