How about that InfoForum!

logo for a lecture series

logo for a lecture seriesMany thanks to those who responded to our survey last month. The feedback was very helpful in guiding our planning efforts for the coming year. With that in mind, a little review is in order.

Wade Moricle and I were asked to consider a new approach to the InfoForum last summer. After completing an initial survey to discern the issues with the previous iteration (timing conflicts w/standing meetings, lack of content, too long, etc.), we chose a format of three speakers (one each from the Library, IT, and non-LITS Emory), each with fifteen minutes of presentation and five minutes of Q&A. We also varied the day and time to allow flexibility around standing meetings, and offered light snacks.

Once we had a plan, we booked speakers based on availability, current projects, and hot topics for eight InfoForums. Attendance was very good, and the latest survey yielded a net promoter score of 55, which was a whopping 136 points higher than last year. The pilot year with the new format proved successful, and we want to move forward with your latest feedback.

One recurring question: How are speakers selected? Last summer, we made lists of potential speakers based on current projects, future direction, important messages and special highlights for the Library, IT and Emory. We curated all eight sessions and approached speakers well in advance to enhance publicity, communications and engagement.

Once underway, we received several requests to speak – some of which we were able to accommodate with last-minute cancellations. We kept a running waitlist and are carrying it over to the Fall.

You too can be a speaker at the InfoForum as the scheduling effort is only just beginning. Your participation is welcome and invited. Please contact Wade or me to let us know of your interest.

See you in September!

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