Annie Zhao, Database Administrator, Database Administration

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photo of employee
“Emory is the exact culture I have been looking for and it gives me a sense of belonging already.” – Annie Zhao

Annie Zhao is a new database administrator at Emory. Prior to her arrival on campus, she worked for two years as a senior database administrator at Verizon Wireless. She was also a database administrator III at the McKesson Corporation from 2000 to 2009, and a principal consultant from 2009 to 2017 with General Electric. Her experience includes Oracle, SQL Server, and AWS.

A native of Beijing, China, Annie earned her MBA from Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Annie’s favorite passion is gardening. She is very much into growing Asian or exotic vegetables, such as yard beans and winged beans. “Propagating a new plant is a joy too.” Sharing the fruits of her labor in the garden is her way to enjoy the bounty of life.

“My teammates are very professional, open and friendly,” says Annie. “Emory is the exact culture I have been looking for and it gives me a sense of belonging already.”

You can reach her at annie [dot] zhao [at] emory [dot] edu.

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