Don’t miss out on a FREE EmoryCard replacement TODAY ONLY

photo of lost wallet
Lost your EmoryCard recently?

Is your Emory Card worn out, faded, torn, lost, or in otherwise terrible shape? Or perhaps you hate your photo?

Then today is your lucky day!

EmoryCard Services is replacing anyone’s EmoryCard FOR FREE on Friday, September 13 (TODAY ONLY). Simply bring a government-issued ID to the Cox Hall Ballroom from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.

Normally, there is a fee for replacing these cards.

Remember: you must have a government-issued ID to get a new EmoryCard.

Learn more at

NOTE: Once you have gotten your new card, if you have access to multiple buildings, check your access as your full access may not have transferred to your new card. For access to NDB, 1762 and 1599, email me (kcomsto [at] emory [dot] edu) with the card number. For Library access, contact Terence Jefferson at librtj [at] emory [dot] edu. Please allow up to 48 hours for this change to take affect.

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