Matt Denius, Manager, Business Analysts

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“The team has its hands in a bunch of different projects. They are all over campus and it’s a pleasure to be here and support them.” – Matt Denius

Matt Denius is the new manager of the business analysts team. Before making his way to Emory, Matt worked for a year and a half as a project manager for the software consulting company Soltech. Previously he worked a year and a half as the director of a product management team for a startup software company called Bio IQ. He also spent 13 years as the manager of the business analysts team for NexGen Healthcare.

Born in Big Horn, WY, Matt came to the deep South after his family sold its Wyoming ranch and moved to Melbourne Beach, Florida. He earned a bachelor’s degree in earth and atmospheric sciences from Georgia Tech, and a master’s degree in information technology from the University of Denver.

Matt is a family man, with his ten and twelve-year-old kids taking the majority of his free time. “It’s an endless stream of baseball, ballet, and gymnastics.”

Of his new work, Matt says, “The team has its hands in a bunch of different projects. They are all over campus and it’s a pleasure to be here and support them.”

You can reach Matt at matthew [dot] jared [dot] denius [at] emory [dot] edu.

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