Upcoming wellness events

photo of walkers
The 2018 Atlanta Heart Walk.

We wanted to make you aware of three upcoming events. There is still time to join the 2019 Atlanta Heart Walk on Sept. 28, 2019! Check it out at:https://www2.heart.org/site/TR/HeartWalk/General?sid=1071&type=fr_informational&pg=informational&fr_id=4458. You can register, join a group, donate, whatever works best for you. This is a great event where you can have fun and help a worthy cause.

photo of bicyclists
Bike festival in New Zealand.

Second, it’s time to sign up for the Refresh From Stress: 30 Day Inspiration. You’ll learn 30 simple steps to enhance your emotional health. It will be held Oct. 1st to the 30th and all benefits-eligible employees can participate. You can register online at: www.fsap.emory.edu/refreshfromstress. For those of you who are part of Healthy Emory Connect, you can earn extra points toward medical plan incentives. These are enormously helpful; for example I was just able to use some when I cut my foot recently and had to have stitches and such. If you have any questions about the event, please contact FSAP at efsap [at] emory [dot] edu.

Finally, don’t forget about the Biketober event, coming, yes, in October. You can find information and register for Emory Teams at: https://www.lovetoride.net/atlanta.

As always, if you have any questions concerning wellness, please reach out to me or your Wellness Committee at LITS-WELLNESS [at] LISTSERV [dot] CC [dot] EMORY [dot] EDU.

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