LEAF Corner November

The Library Employee Advocacy Forum (LEAF) is facilitating a monthly newsletter feature to keep library staff informed about advocacy-related information at Emory.

The annual LEAF Holiday Lunch is Wednesday, December 11th from 11:30-1:30 in the Jones Room. Please RSVP by November 19: http://bit.ly/2019LeafLunch.

Break room updates

As you know, we are nearing the end of our effort to refresh the Woodruff Employee Breakroom. Here is our latest update:

Milestone Updates as of 11/6/2019

  • Step 1: COMPLETE: Remove 2 upper cabinets and old ice machine.
  • Step 2: COMPLETE: Remove (craft) Shelves
  • Step 3: COMPLETE: Install Flooring and New Wall Base
  • Step 4: COMPLETE: Paint and Patch
  • Step 5,6,7: Install New Appliances and Furniture
    • COMPLETE – New ice machine installed (the stand for the ice machine is temporary until a better option is identified).
    • COMPLETE – The coffee machines are now on the counter top to the right of the sink.
    • SCHEDULED –  11/14/2019 – New refrigerators are scheduled to be installed on Thursday November 14th. The plan is to leave the old refrigerators in place for a few days to allow staff to transfer items. Once item transfer is complete we will remove the old units.
    • SCHEDULED – 11/14/2019 – Old furniture will be removed and new furniture is scheduled to be delivered and installed on Thursday November 14th. The room will be accessible during this process. All of the tables, chairs, bookshelf, etc. on the following plan will be installed:  https://emory.app.box.com/file/505651456841
    • SCHEDULED – 11/14/2019 – New microwaves are scheduled to be installed on Thursday 11/14/2019.
    • TO BE SCHEDULED AFTER 11/14/2019 – As soon as everything is moved in and the old appliances are gone we will have the paint shop do a last few touches and install  a new ice machine stand.

A newsletter item on the breakroom effort from August 2019 can be found here:


Cleaning supplies reminder

The Library Employee Advocacy Forum (LEAF) met with Yolanda and Marc a couple of weeks ago to address cleaning concerns that many departments have about Woodruff public and office spaces. Thanks to this meeting, some additional maintenance will be occurring and additional cleaning supplies have been ordered. From Marc:

  • Vacuum cleaners have been received and are available for use. For now, they are stored in the mailroom.
  • Cleaning supplies are in stock and available for use and also stored in the mailroom.
  • BRS (Building and Residential Services) has been asked to clean the breakroom and kitchenette areas on more frequent basis.
  • BRS will perform deep cleaning of Level 1 & 2 staff areas during winter break.

If you have any advocacy-related issues to discuss, please access our anonymous feedback form here: http://bit.ly/LEAF-form; Or reach out to your department’s LEAF Representative

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