Daniel Edwards, Service Desk Analyst II, LITS Service Desk

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“It is great helping people. We direct traffic and help everyone we can.” – Daniel Edwards

Daniel Edwards is the newest service desk analyst II to join the LITS team. He started in the Service Desk about eleven months ago as a temp worker and quickly earned his way to a full-time position. Before coming to Emory, Daniel did similar IT service desk support at eTrade.

Born in Piscataway, NJ, Daniel moved to Georgia when his dad relocated. Daniel earned a bachelor’s degree in business from Georgia Southern, with a minor in sports management. He’s currently studying SalesForce and networking.

Daniel loves exercise and spending time with friends. He’s an avid basketball player and also enjoys pool and table tennis.

“It is great helping people,” he says about the work. “A lot of people call us because they need questions answered, even when it’s not IT-related. We direct traffic and help everyone we can.”

You can reach him at ddkedwards [at] emory [dot] edu.

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