Elle Hao, Informatics Analyst, Data Management and Solutions Team

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“Everybody has their own expertise which really inspires me to improve my own skills.” – Elle Hao.

Elle Hao is a new informatics analyst for the Data Management and Solutions Team. She previously worked in the Emory University Oxford College Admission office for 2 months as a business operations specialist. She also worked for two years as a systems analyst in the Virginia Tech University Scholarship and Financial Aid departments.

A native of Shanxi, China, Elle earned her bachelor’s degree in electronic and information engineering from Shanxi University of Science and Technology and her master’s degree of information system of management from Duquesne University.

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Elle loves to cook and bake, and her dream is to open a small restaurant to feed only her friends without a menu. Her husband is a PhD student in computer science, while she is studying data analysis. They have a chocolate lab named Python (after the coding language).

“I love the work style and structure in our team,” says Elle. “Everybody has their own expertise which really inspires me to improve my own skills.”

You can reach her at ellehaoyilun [at] emory [dot] edu.

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