The network conversion of St. Joseph’s Hospital (SJH) employees is fast approaching with OIT and Emory Healthcare’s “big-bang” planned to begin April 26th. The network gear is installed and waiting, the wireless infrastructure is in the process of being converted, and the quiet before the storm is upon us. It will be a busy time as we all work to seamlessly provide network services to those at SJH.
Meanwhile at the new Health Research Sciences Building (HRSB) Emory is partnering with Children’s Hospital of Atlanta in offering either organization’s network to users off the same infrastructure at this new joint facility, with planned occupancy to begin in late spring.
The main telephone system serving most Emory locations (aka SvP) has a planned upgrade for May 16, and new collaboration features can begin to become a reality once this effort is completed. Stay tuned as OIT works to deliver these exciting features in the coming year.
This year’s data refresh activities continue with completion of phase one, updating network facilities at the Rich Building, Nursing School, 1525 Clifton, Decatur Plaza, TEC B, 59 Executive Park and a portion of the Wesley Woods facility.
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