Cari Lovins is the new assistant director of digital product strategy in the Library Technology and Digital Strategies department. Prior to her Emory work, Cari was a project manager in the central IT division at Georgia Tech. In her 14 years at Tech, Cari also served as a service delivery manager, partnering with the library. She also worked in development for the East Carolina University Library.
Born in Westminster, CO, Cari earned a bachelor’s degree in hospitality management from Metropolitan State University in Denver and ran her own travel business for a few years. She earned her master’s degree in library science information studies from Florida State University. She is currently working on her MBA from the University of West Georgia.
Cari is married to Mike, and they spend a lot of time with their 22-year-old daughter. They enjoy traveling back to Colorado for vacations.
“In working with libraries over the years, I have grown to love the library culture,” says Cari. “I am also a fan of the big-picture thinking that goes into strategic planning. I worked with Doug Goans at Georgia Tech (he’s now also at Emory) to develop their library technology strategic plan, and it was one of the most rewarding things I have ever done.”
You can reach her at cari [dot] lynn [dot] lovins [at] emory [dot] edu.
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