We have two rescue Border Collie brothers named Tip and Jet. Both were rescued when their mother was scheduled to be put down and it was determined she was pregnant. I drove down to pick them up in Screven County, Georgia, and had bought the smallest collars I could find. Jet was so small (the runt of the litter) that I had to punch holes in the collar to get it to fit him. Driving up GA-400, both boys began to wail so much that I pulled over and an officer stopped to check on me. As soon as I rolled down the window, he grabbed one of the babies to comfort them.

Tip is a great big brother to Jet. Jet was born with a smaller right eye, a puppy cataract and a folded retina, and has been blind in that eye since birth. As his doctor says, “he is a mess physically but he has the greatest gentle personality.” Tip watches out for Jet when they go outside into the yard. Jet follows his lead and Tip always looks out for his brother. Their favorite place to supervise the neighborhood and play is our screen porch, which we have nicknamed the romper room. They love going for rides in our pickup truck and any trip they can go on.

Once Jet found the food bowl, he really grew from the runt of the litter to a big boy. He is now over 60 pounds. His favorite activity is eating anything we grow in our garden, especially tomatoes and our cilantro herbs. Tip is now around 50 pounds and his favorite activity is hunting and chasing skinks and other lizards. Jet is a water baby and just loves to lay on his back and get sprayed with the water hose. Tip, not so much. Tip and Jet are our 4th and 5th border collie fur babies. They are so smart and loyal and such a joy to our family.
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