Pet of the Week: Boogie

Meet our cat, Boogie. He loves to cuddle and play fetch with his toy fish.

I adopted Boogie from Briarcliff Animal Hospital when he was a few months old. His previous name was Bagheera, but I thought he was a little too goofy and gentle to be named after a panther, so I shortened it to Boogie.

Boogie in a box!

He is two years old now and has a brother Torako (7 years old), a sister Panini (1 year old), and a dog-brother Sputnik (7 years old).

Boogie does a few quirky things. Whenever we get home, he runs downstairs to greet us, reaches up, and pats his paws on our legs.

He loves to run inside closets and pantries, but then he just stands in there and stares at us. And if we throw one of his fish toys, he always brings it back to us. We’ve never had a cat that played fetch!

We love our Boogie and hope you will too!

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