During the October LEAF Coffee, the CCR Exhibits Team welcomed staff to the newest Schatten Gallery exhibit, entitled “How Might We?” The exhibit, which will run until July 2020, is an exploration into innovation in the Emory Libraries. The highly interactive exhibit offers a mixture of art, technology, video, interactive learning, creativity tables and even an immersive 1980’s New York City subway ride.
Kathy Dixson, manager of the Exhibits Team, spoke briefly while onlookers enjoyed coffee and pastries from Alon’s Bakery. The exhibit was inspired by the 2018 Emory Libraries fall magazine, which presented a theme of current library innovations. Kathy’s team took the idea further by noting that creativity and innovation are not new to Emory Libraries. The exhibit celebrates how decades of growth have led to the modern organization that exists today.

The exhibit underscores the support from LITS leadership to be innovative and includes areas of interest such as design thinking workshops, diversity, equity and inclusion promotion, InfoForums, a resource center of favorite books from staff, examples of mini innovation grants, student and faculty video/audio studios, the Library Service Center, the TechLabs, the traveling exhibitions, Emory Canvas for learning management, and an immersive environment for understanding the library collections.
Using photos from the Jack Stewart graffiti photograph collection, curated by Randy Gue, the immersive experience allows onlookers to stand in a simulated NYC subway car, hear the sounds of the subway, and see the artistic talents of graffiti artists. There is even a wall where local artists were commissioned to create graffiti for the exhibit.
Kathy thanked a variety of folks who made the exhibit a reality, most notably her team of Caroline Corbitt and John Klingler. She also thanked the dozens LITS employees in the audience who donated materials, ideas, and labor to the effort by having them each wear a sticker that read, “Ask me how I helped with this exhibit!”
The exhibit is dynamic and encourages patrons to add their own experiences with Emory Libraries over the years. The team plans to add more content to the exhibit during the year and hopes that onlookers will be inspired to add their own innovative ideas in the creative spaces of the exhibit. Take time soon to explore and participate by visiting the Schatten Gallery.
If you have questions or suggestions, please contact Kathy at kdixson [at] emory [dot] edu.
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