Welcome to our course’s Scholar Blog Site! Here you will post your weekly reading responses. Each section below will take you to a new page. Be sure to post your response in the correct week.
INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO POST: 1. Click “+NEW” at the top of page. 2. Click “Post” 3. Title should be “Your Name Wk # Response” (Vicente Carrillo WK 2 Response) 4. Type out your response OR copy and paste it from a word document so you don’t lose any progress. 5. Hit “Publish” 6. IMPORTANT: Click “Suggestion: Assign Category” 7. Pick the Week you are submitting. This must be done to properly categorize your posts. 8. Hit “Publish” again. 9. Go back to the Main Site. Check the Week to see if it was posted.
You are also encouraged to response to each others posts! The more engagement the better. Happy writing!