A twelfth-century Norwegian church

Mariakirken, the oldest building in Bergen, Norway (it’s been restored and added to but was first completed in the 1180s) and one of the best-preserved medieval churches in Scandinavia.

A Breton lay

Matthieu Boyd does an encore of his Breton lay performance #medievaltwitter #MakingEME #keynote3 pic.twitter.com/7yDU8EX0Lp — Jenny C. Bledsoe (@jbleds) September 24, 2016


Welcome to the ScholarBlog site for English 211W, Literature and the Arts: Medieval to Modern. Here, each student will post two assignments: (1) an analysis of the materiality of a medieval manuscript and (2) an exhibit of Pre-Raphaelite art arranged around a medieval theme and introduced by a short video.