MIB/CIDID “Immunology and Evolution of Influenza” Symposium
Whitehead Auditorium, Room G01, Whitehead Biomedical Research Building
Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30329
Thursday 5/25 – Friday 5/26 noon, 2017
May 25 (Thursday)
8:00 – 9.00 Registration, breakfast, coffee (outside of the conference room)
9:00 – 9.15 Welcome: M. Elizabeth Halloran, University of Washington and Rustom Antia, Emory University
9:15 – 10.00 Keynote: Jonathan Yewdell, NIH: “Antibody Immunodominance: The Key to Antigenic Drift?”
10.00 – 10.30 Paul Thomas, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital: “Tipping the scales: how a SNP affects influenza severity in humans”
10.30 – 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 – 11.30 Jessica Belser, CDC: “Complexities in Ferret Influenza Virus Pathogenesis and Transmission Models”
11.30 – 12.00 Trevor Bedford, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center: “Real-time tracking and prediction of influenza virus evolution”
12.00 – 12.30 Morning discussion session
12.30- 2:00 Lunch – on own
2 – 2.30 Jesse Bloom, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center: “Complete mapping of viral escape from immunity”
2.30 – 3 James Crowe, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine: “Genetic and structural determinants of antibody mediated influenza neutralization”
3 – 3.30 Katia Koelle, Duke University: “Capturing the Roles of Cellular Coinfection and Viral Complementation in the Within-host Dynamics of Influenza”
3.30 – 4 Coffee Break
4 – 4.30 Sarah Cobey, University of Chicago: “Three time scales of coevolution of influenza and human immunity”
4.30 – 5 Tom Kepler, Boston University School of Medicine: “Clonal Selection Dynamics in the Humoral Response to Vaccination”
5 – 5.30 Afternoon discussion session
5.30 – 6:30 Poster Session & Social Hour with refreshments. 2nd floor elevator lobby of the Wayne Rollins Research Center. A list of posters can be found here.
May 26 (Friday)
8 – 9.00 Breakfast, Coffee
9:00 – 9:30 Amber Smith, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital: “Validating Immune Response Models of Influenza Virus Infection and Bacterial Coinfection”
9.30 – 10 :00 Jacob Kohlmeier, Emory University: “The rise and fall of cellular immunity to influenza virus”
10 – 10.30 Coffee Break
10.30 – 11 Steve Kleinstein, Yale School of Medicine: “Systems Immunology of the Host Response to Influenza Infection and Vaccination”
11 – 11:45 Keynote: Rafi Ahmed, Emory University School of Medicine: “Human B Cell Responses to Influenza Virus”
11:45-12:00 Closing Remarks: Rustom Antia, Emory University and M. Elizabeth Halloran, University of Washington