Major Chord Exploration

I found this really cool exploration of major chords on this site. Take a look and share your thoughts.


3 responses to “Major Chord Exploration”

  1. Sarah Suhyeon Paik Avatar
    Sarah Suhyeon Paik

    For anyone who isn’t using safari:

    I liked his advice of just rolling the chords. Since there are so many notes, I think it has a really nice effect and gives every chord a fuller sound.

  2. Devin Porter Avatar
    Devin Porter

    I think this is an interesting way to think about 11 and 13 chords. Using triads of different scale degrees instead of stacking thirds on a root gives a whole different perspective on what notes you’re using to create a particular sound and how those notes can be related to your next chord.

  3. Daniel Craighead Avatar
    Daniel Craighead

    This is great way to free up a lot movement on bass I think. It’s hard to create those triads so quickly on the neck but the shapes make it pretty useful. Also, I loved the half-step movement he used later on in the video, I think that works really well with the chord triads he is using.

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