Academic Job Search Advice

Here is my very dated information on preparing for an academic job search, but the principles are still the same. Remember that there are so many factors governing on faculty hires beyond your ability to do great research. It’s important to get feedback on your materials, especially from those not directly in your field. You need to show a unique and impactful long-term trajectory along with a feasible 5-year plan to start you along that path as an independent researcher. Talk to lots of people at places you apply, and reach out to anyone you may have met before at that institution. This is truly one of those types of endeavors where the network you didn’t realize you had can help you a lot. Good Luck!

• Preparing for your job search

• Writing a research statement

• Preparing for your academic job interview

Here is a video of a presentation I gave to the GaTech Society of Women Engineerings on getting a job in academia.

This is a very old document  (i.e. are Xerox machines available?) about how to handle yourself in a job interview.

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