Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) for motor module analysis of muscle coordination
“Muscle synergy analysis for posture and movement: methods and interpretation” by Ting and Chvatal, in Progress in Motor Control, Danion and Latash, eds., 2010

Wavelet-Based ANOVA for statistical comparison of time history data such as EMG

“Statistically significant contrasts between EMG waveforms revealed using wavelet-based functional ANOVA” by McKay et al 2013
Human-Human Physical Interactions for Partnered Gait Coordination
“Low-force human–human hand interactions induce gait changes through sensorimotor engagement instead of direct mechanical effects” by Wu et al 2024

Gait signatures identifying individual differences in gait dynamics

“Discovering individual-specific gait signatures from data-driven models of neuromechanical dynamics” by Winner et al 2023
Biophysical muscle spindle model capable of simulating rhythmic movement
“Intrafusal cross‐bridge dynamics shape history‐dependent muscle spindle responses” by Simha and Ting, 2023

Muscle fiber resistance to stretch based on postural sway

“History-dependent muscle resistance to stretch remains high after small, posturally relevant pre-movements” by Horslen et al 2023
Pendulum Test Model of Spasticity in Cerebral Palsy
“Movement History Influences Pendulum Test Kinematics in Children With Spastic Cerebral Palsy” by Degroote et al 2018