To support ORA’s strategy of Developing a Strong and Supported Workforce through the implementation of the OneORA framework for leadership development, we proudly announce the ORA graduates of the fall of 2022 of the Leadership Development Programs offered by Emory Learning and Organizational Development.
The graduation and celebration took place on February 10, 2023, at the R. Randall Rollins Building, in the Margaret H. Rollins Room. A selected group of 55 staff members of Emory participated in these programs and ORA had representation in all the three programs represented in this cohort.
Congratulations to our team members graduating of the following programs:
Essentials of Leadership
- George Golston – EHSO
- Amanda Watson – RBO
Aspiring Leaders
- Donna Blessitt-Young – RGC
- Monica Johnson – EHSO
- Sajid Saleem – RAS CAPS
- John Taylor – RGC
Change Academy
- Brian Miller – RGC
- Jumionne Tiako – RGC
What did you enjoy about the program?
-John “How to apply larger principles to the specific situations. Everyone gives and receives information differently, and it was great to be equipped with the tools to help make adaptations based on the individual(s) you are interacting with at the time.”
-Monica “Networking with peers that I otherwise would have never met and learning that most of us are having similar experiences on out journey to becoming new leaders”.
-Brian ”Getting to meet with peers from outside areas on real situations and having a judgement free/confidential forum to test ideas.
-George “The Birkman Assessment. It helped me understand my management style and why I enjoy some tasks and dislike others. The relationships that were formed with my classmates.”
-Donna “I obtained a wealth of knowledge that I can use in my work & personal life. The one class that I truly benefited from was Crucial Conversations, as it gives you the steps needed to avoid crossing boundaries, showing empathy/compassion, and having a better understanding of what the other individual may be going through.”