Tag: Research Training

  • Award Management @ Emory University – Check Out Our Newest Video!

    The April 2023, external newsletter featured an article by Edwin Bemmel on the Life of an Award @ Emory University. This article focused on the roles, responsibilities, tools, and support for award administration from Award Negotiation & Acceptance through the Award Closeout. If you missed this article, don’t worry! You can find newsletters archived on…

  • Meet the SOT Instructional Designer

    Sandra Meadows is an Instructional Designer under Strategic Operations & Training (SOT) in the Office of Research Administration. Sandra joins Emory after a decade of working in the academic and corporate sectors. Sandra shares her experience analyzing training needs and planning, organizing, developing, and evaluating training materials and programs to meet educational needs. Sandra will work…

  • ORA Boot Camp Session Overview: PI Financial Portal

    Overview On Wednesday, March 8, Susan Cooper, Enterprise Data Analytics and Strategic Support, provided an overview of the PI Financial Portal. For those unable to attend, the recording can be accessed here. The PI portal is one tool Emory investigators have for transparency into expenses posted to their sponsored and non-sponsored accounts. The PI Financial…

  • SOT Staff Highlight – Heather Lennon

    The Research Training Team under Strategic Operations & Training (SOT) is pleased to welcome Heather Lennon as a new Training Design/Communications Manager. Heather joins us from Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) where she served as the Director of the Sponsored Programs Office for the College of Humanities & Sciences (CHS SPO). As the Director of the…

  • SOT Staff Highlight – Ashley Myers

    This month we celebrate Ashley Myers and her 12-year work anniversary at Emory University. Ashley started her Emory career in the ORA Office of Technology Transfer, managing and marketing projects, events, conferences, and training related to research faculty and staff education. From there, she moved to Research Business Operations where she spent three years as…

  • Research Training and Quality Improvement Unfold in the Office of Strategic Operations and Training

    With new staff on board and in the pipeline for this fiscal year, the Office of Strategic Operations, led by Senior Director, Lisa Wilson, builds momentum in expanding research training, communications, quality improvement, and project management services to help ensure operational excellence, research administrators’ success, and maximize ORA’s contributions to the research enterprise. Research Training…