Celebrating Queer Authors of Color

We think often about what materials we engage with, but in doing so sometimes we forget who is producing these works.  Recognizing the voices behind the materials is important when a person considers what to check out from the library to ensure minority voices are represented.  The intersection of queerness and ethnic minorities is everywhere, yet library materials often fail to represent individuals who fall on the intersection due to the systems of power which operate within these larger institutions.  

The “Celebrating Queer Authors of Color” exhibit offers works by authors/creators of diverse cultural backgrounds who also identify as queer.  The works range from novels, movies, academic titles, and more to display the variety of modes and genres LGBTQ+ creators are engaging with. We selected some classic authors to acknowledge their efforts in trailblazing, as well as smaller, more contemporary creators that students may not have heard of prior.  Each work is unique to its creator, offering a variety of perspectives the queer POC community has to offer.

We hope that by highlighting these voices, people will better understand the importance of a variety of perspectives, and seek out sources for research or entertainment that are produced by the voices that often go unheard.  At the very least, we hope that the representation of queer creators of color can make students feel seen, heard, and valued.

Post and display by:

Marieme Fall and Lauren Katz

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