
A guiding belief or ideal to a community or group/Credibility of someone when they’re trying to persuade you. There are some techiques that can be used in persuation. When trying to convince people, It’s likely that people believe what someone says because they seem knowledgeable or some characters seem believable. Showing such character in persuation is ETHOS. It’s one of the three main tools of persuasion, alongside appealing to emotions (pathos) and using logical arguments (logos). Ehos is all about the “trust factor-making people trust you.”


ETHOS is a valuable tool, not just in academic and persuasive settings, but also in our day-to-day interactions. It’s essentially about assessing how trustworthy or credible someone appears when trying to persuade. To achieve success in both our studies and careers, gaining the trust of others is vital, and that’s where ETHOS shines. Demonstrating qualities associated with trustworthiness can make all the difference in achieving our objectives. Take writing, for instance; whether it’s an academic paper or a simple online post, I aim to ensure readers believe in my sincerity and dedication. To this end, I back up my claims with reliable sources, emphasizing my commitment to the truth.

Conversely, in a world rife with misinformation and dubious claims, discerning genuine information from the fake is crucial. When faced with articles, speeches, or even advertisements, being familiar with ETHOS prompts the question: “Why should I trust this source?” It acts as an filter, helping us navigate through the overwhelming amount of content and distinguish the genuine from the deceptive.


LEGAL SETTING: In legal settings, in order to make their argument convincing and sound, a lawyer’s ETHOS is foundational for gaining the trust of the court and the jury. Their reputation, logical argumentation, and past successes can greatly affect the outcome of a case.

A lawyer questioning a witness in front of the jury in a courtroom.

EDUCATIONAL SETTING: When educators have a lecture on a subject, their ETHOS matters. Their ETHOS is shaped by their expertise, experience, teaching methods, and horns. Their ETHOS will determine how receptive students are to the information to some extent.

MEDICAL SETTING: When a dentist provides medical advice or suggests some operations, their credibility is crucial. The trust a patient places in a dentist often related to their perceived expertise, work experience, and educational background. A doctor’s ETHOS can significantly influence a patient’s willingness to follow medical recommendations.

Work Cited

Dentist. (2023, September 6). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved September 21, 2023, from

Gross-Loh, C. (2016, July 19). Why the shift away from the traditional college lecture hurts students. The Atlantic.

WHAT TO EXPECT ON CROSS-EXAMINATION. (2020, October 26). Just Criminal Law.
