
Genre refers to a category or classification system used to categorize different types of literary works based on their style, content, and elements.


Genre helps readers and writers navigate the vast literary world by providing a framework for categorizing and identifying different types of texts. It enables readers to choose books and readings that align with their preferences and allows writers to target specific audiences more effectively.

For writers, knowing about genres is like knowing the rules of the game. You can play by the rules or change them to make your story unique and exciting. And genre isn’t just for books; it works in movies, music, and ads too. Like in movies, if you see a superhero, you know it’s action. If you hear a sad song, it’s probably a love song. So, genre isn’t just for fancy book stuff. It’s a cool tool to make stories and stuff that people love, no matter what you’re into


Example 1: Horror

Some elements of horror is blood, fear, suspense, mystery, or sometimes even gore. This is a type of genre that will induce unsettledness and fear into the audience

Example 2: Poetry

Poetry is a type or genre of literary expression that uses a wide range of styles and techniques. Poems usually include some type of literary device, like metaphors, rhyme scheme, simile, theme, etc.

Example 3: Rock Music

Rock is a type of music genre. Some elements of rock music is guitar riffs, loudness, and strong instrumentation. Rock is a very diverse genre and can have many other features.
