Rhetorical Situation


A Rhetorical Situation is made up of different factors that allow for communication to occur. Some factors are purpose, audience, exigence, and constraints.


The importance understanding the significance of rhetorical situations is it creates effective writing and allows for persuasive communication to be created as well as make a writers writing have better quality. It is able to further the effectiveness of communication in different contexts. As a writer rhetorical situations can allow for knowing your audience and keeping them in mind when writing. Rhetorical situations emphasize critical thinking, thinking about things in a broader context, making your writing is inclusive. Rhetorical situations allow writers to write with purpose as there is always a reason to write and with rhetorical situations it makes things more direct and clear. All in all rhetorical situations allow for there to be more structure in terms of thinking of writing and other areas of communication.


Scenario 1: Political Speech: Giving a speech to an audience. You must appeal to there ideals and what they are for. Persuade them as to why they should vote for you, though also consider time constraints and the message of your campaign.

Scenario 2: Academic Essay: Writing an essay you must take into consideration not just the requirements of essay but your teacher who is grading it. Show an understanding of the topic and analysis of the topic bring in your own ideas. A constraint may be word count.

Scenario 3: Social Media Post: An influencer posting about a brand on TikTok may need to consider their followers and their response. Making the brand seem appealing not just to their followers but a wider audience as a whole. The influencers content or personal style be a constraint.
