Rhetorical Purpose



Rhetorical purpose is the specific goal behind a piece of communication. It is the message that the communicator aims to convey to one’s audience.


Understanding the rhetorical purpose of a message or piece of writing helps both the communicator and the audience. For the communicators, identifying the rhetorical purpose helps them to express their ideas with precision because they would know the specific word choices they want to make being mindful of their rhetorical purposes. As well, they could better engage with the audience while they are producing the piece of communication. For the audience, identifying the rhetorical purpose encourages critical thinking. It enables them to evaluate the message in context and consider the motives behind it. Thus, the audience would have a broader understanding of the text.

Example 1: Political Election

When a politician delivers a speech, they have a rhetorical purpose that may include persuading voters, rallying supporters, or addressing concerns. Understanding this purpose helps the audience evaluate the politician’s message critically.

Example 2: Education

Teachers have a rhetorical purpose when designing lessons, for example educate and inspire students of review the content. Recognizing this purpose helps students actively participate in the classes.

Example 3: News Reports

The rhetorical purpose of journalists is to inform the public about current events, but they may also have a rhetorical purpose of influencing public opinion, raising awareness, or challenging established narratives. Recognizing these purposes helps readers to evaluate bias and perspective.
