Category: 101-13

  • Genre

    Genre refers to a category or classification system used to categorize different types of literary works based on their style, content, and elements. Significance Genre helps readers and writers navigate the vast literary world by providing a framework for categorizing and identifying different types of texts. It enables readers to choose books and readings that…

  • Rhetorical Analysis

    Definition Rhetorical Analysis is an analytical approach that commonly used in the study of literature, speeches, political documents and other forms of communication. It aims to establish strong argument through the usage of passive language, persuasion techniques, and rhetorical devices. Significance Rhetorical Analysis is a effective method for author to convey their message and influence…

  • Ethos

    Definition Ethos is the style of argument that focuses on the credibility, authority, and ethical of the writer. It is also used to demonstrate trustworthy to gain the trust of the audience. Significance It is important to understand ethos because it is a crucial part of persuasive writing and speech. I believe that having a…