Category: 101-31


    Overview Definition and Background. What is considered “Deviant”? Social control The “Deviant Making” process Deviance in social change Personal observation: Consumption of deviance in the media Works cited and sources In the field of Sociology, the study of deviance is centered in the behaviors of individuals and groups who differ from the norms established by…

  • Reading

    “Reading is the process of taking in the sense or meaning of letters, symbols, etc. especially by sight or touch.” -Wikipedia Reading is a process of consuming information from literature and or other medians such as art, film or music. Reading is possibly the most important part of ones everyday life. Reading allows for exchange…

  • Rhetorical Context

    Definition Rhetorical Context is the situation that surrounds your act of writing. In essence, it refers to the circumstances surrounding an act of reading and/or composition. There are five main aspects to the rhetorical context:, Audience, Purpose, and Occasion.  Significance Rhetorical Context is very important as it helps you focus on precisely what, why and…

  • Rhetoric

    Definition Use of persuasive techniques such as figures of speech to express the idea in an effective manner. Significance The concept of rhetoric is extremely important from not just a writer but a reader’s perspective as well. It enhances your writing style by making use of many different language features such as similes, metaphors and…

  • Rhetorical Situation

    Definition A rhetorical situation provides the context that forms the argument that one person is making to at least one other person, with the purpose of persuading or influencing their thinking. Significance Rhetorical situations force a writer to be aware of their purpose as soon as they begin to organize their thoughts. They bring attention…

  • Rhetorical Purpose

    Definition Rhetoric purpose refers to the author’s way of attempting to communicate a message that shapes how the audience receives the information. Rhetorical purpose is usually varied between informing, persuading, or entertaining the reader. The author usually has a mix of rhetorical purpose to convey their message, instead of just one. Significance Understanding the author’s…


    Definition: To persuade an audience by purposely evoking certain emotions to make them feel the way the author wants them to feel To me pathos means marketing emotions to seem more appealing  Significance: It helps make messages more relatable, memorable, and convincing by appealing to feelings like happiness, sadness, or empathy to get your point…

  • Rhetorical Analysis

    Definition Rhetorical Analysis is when you are reading a text and taking into account all of the rhetorical elements that make the text. Significance Rhetorical Analysis is important to understand because when you analyze rhetorical elements an author uses in their texts, it gives more understanding in the point that they are trying to get…

  • Genre

    Definition: Genre is a term that categorizes and classifies the type of writings, art pieces, music and other forms of literature by its style, content or forms. Significance: A literature’s genre remains important because it provides the writer with general organizations that help them to arrange what they want to say. The genre helps the…


    Definition A guiding belief or ideal to a community or group/Credibility of someone when they’re trying to persuade you. There are some techiques that can be used in persuation. When trying to convince people, It’s likely that people believe what someone says because they seem knowledgeable or some characters seem believable. Showing such character in…