Category: Rhetoric Study Guide

  • Rhetorical Analysis

    Definition Rhetorical Analysis is an analytical approach that commonly used in the study of literature, speeches, political documents and other forms of communication. It aims to establish strong argument through the usage of passive language, persuasion techniques, and rhetorical devices. Significance Rhetorical Analysis is a effective method for author to convey their message and influence…

  • Ethos

    Definition Ethos is the style of argument that focuses on the credibility, authority, and ethical of the writer. It is also used to demonstrate trustworthy to gain the trust of the audience. Significance It is important to understand ethos because it is a crucial part of persuasive writing and speech. I believe that having a…

  • Kairos

    Definition Kairos which is Greek for right time, season, or opportunity – refers to the “timeliness” of an argument. As I understand it, for a headline or an argument to be successful, there must be a specific way to execute. This means that factors such as tone and structure while being presented at the right…

  • Discourse Community

    Definition A group of people who view the world in a similar way, share a set of common goals, and have similar forms of communication is regards to their values. A group or social movement that shares common ideologies in which they share and promote certain values and ideas. Significance Discourse communities can be based…

  • Reading

    Definition Significance Reading offers different insights containing both fact and bias; by deriving the purpose and meaning of texts, readers are offered both different perspectives and interpretations varying from their own. By analyzing the authorial purpose and literary devices, we can apply critical thinking to question the structure of societies such as hierarchy, racism, and…

  • Form in writing

    Definition Form is the text type that a writer chooses to use Significance Understanding the term “form” in regards to writing is important as form serves as the framework upon which effective communication is built. Form defines the structure, organization, and arrangement of words, sentences, and paragraphs in a piece of writing. It is a…

  • Logos

    Logos: or the appeal to logic, means to appeal to the audiences’ sense of reason or logic. To use logos, the author makes clear, logical connections between ideas, and includes the use of facts and statistics Logos is a rhetorical strategy in which an author uses logic, such as data and statistics, to persuade an…