Category: Uncategorized

  • “Passing”

    Definition Passing, a multifaceted concept, has evolved over time, taking on diverse meanings across different social, cultural, and literary contexts. One of the first instances in which ‘passing’ was used in wide-spread media was in Nella Larsen’s book Passing, published in 1929. The book follows two women, Irene and Clare, who reconnect after years. Clare,…

  • Clean Girl Aesthetic

    What is the influence of the clean girl aesthetic on perceptions of femininity, self-expression, societal expectations on young woman and the role TikTok has in promotion of this? The clean girl aesthetic is something that does not seem like it will be going anywhere if anything it seems like we are entering a new era…

  • The Media: Its Impact on the Livelihood of Female Celebrities

    A Look Into the Fame of Britney Spears: Britney’s Personal Life Britney Jean Spears was only eighteen years old when her famous song “…Baby One More Time” was released. The song quickly became a success, and Britney’s career took off from there. From a young age, she appeared in several children’s shows, as her parents…

  • Qatar World Cup: Anti-LGBT Policies

    Qatar Government and Policies Qatar is a constitutional monarchy and the Qatari government is run by the Al-Thani family who demand an extreme conservative Islamic society. Their rules and policies are greatly influenced by Sharia law. Sharia law states that sex outside of marriage, including homosexuality, is punishable by imprisonment, at minimum, and death by…

  • Heteronormativity


    /het-uh-roh-nawr-muh-tiv-i-tee/ noun Heteronormativity is a concept that refers to the presumption that heterosexual and cisgender norms are the standard for human relationships and identities. It is the societal expectation that individuals should conform to traditional notions of gender and sexuality, where heterosexual relationships and cisgender identities are considered to be the standard. This concept highlights…

  • Femme

    Femme & Femininity Using ‘Femme’! Diversity in Femme Identities Historical Background: “Femme” is a term originally used to describe a lesbian woman who embodies a feminine identity or appearance, but this meaning has evolved over the years. Initially associated with lesbian history and culture, “femme” typically distinguished traditionally feminine lesbians from their more masculine gay…


    Topic: The Impact of Prejudice and Discrimination Caused by Social Stereotypes on Sexual Minorities Living with HIV Definition Stereotype: A stereotype is an oversimplified and often biased belief or assumption about individuals based solely on their affiliation with a specific group, disregarding their unique characteristics. Stereotypes can be either positive or negative and are often…

  • Queer

    QUEER: Unveiling the Spectrum Queer(ness): Definitions and Meanings Queer /kwir/ “Queer” was first used to refer to things “strange, odd, or peculiar”. A new definition of queer arose in the United States, used primarily to insult and degrade individuals who were part of the homosexual and LGBTQ+ community. However, with the rise of LGBTQ+ activism,…

  • Intersectionality

    Overview Intersectionality is a method of understanding the way the combination of multiple forms of identity can cause disadvantages that wouldn’t be foreseen otherwise, if these identities were evaluated individually. This wiki entry will primarily analyze intersectionality through media and film as well as social justice issues discussed my term originator, Kimberle Crenshaw. History Examples…

  • Identity

    Identifying Identities What is “Identity”: “The definition of who we are is complex and multifaceted, given our multiple and diverging roles in social groups membership.” Self and Identity. Psychology Press, Taylor & Francis, 2023. Identity is a complex term that can have different interpretations as it can be approached from various perspectives. For the most…