Journal 10

I have chosen the key-word [IDENTITY] DEFINITION: I think it means [the few characteristics you have than encompasses your ego and sense of self, things you associate with that give rise to your biased but unique consciousness] PURPOSE: I intend to create a [PODCAST.]. An example of this format is [Spotify PODCASTS], and some of the generic conventions of this format… Continue reading Journal 10

Journal 9

concept: Identity, podcast episode with one very good visual, (will be 3-5 mins long) Potential audience will be a audience that doesn’t know much about this topic, this means I will have to breakdown and define words as I go. three generic conventions will start out by defining it and what it means go into… Continue reading Journal 9

Journal 8

Summarize essay: So my essay was about the first monologue in the batman 2022 film. The initial monologue to me personifies the idea of vengeance as batman. That is what he represents. While writing the essay I took a deep dive as to why this is the reason and found a couple sources and one… Continue reading Journal 8

Journal 7

One thing I did during this weekend was sleep in. For the past year I have been living in a sleep cycle where I stay up for 72 hours then sleep 1 day. Granted the high amount of stress and responsible I have I really have no choice. But to be able to sleep in… Continue reading Journal 7

Journal 6

A metaphor is defined as a comparison of one idea to another idea, usually similarities. What is does is that it can relate ideas and the level of expression of those ideas, for instance if the idea is perceived as dangerous or high priority or low priority. Metaphors in my eyes also may be subjective… Continue reading Journal 6

Journal 5

Reading Journal — Prompt 5 By: Sheikh Jumman Source 1. Miller, Frank, 1957- artist, author. Batman : the Dark Knight Returns. New York, New York :DC Comics, 2002. TEXT CHOSEN: I have chosen as a text to read for my midterm: Frank millers, Dark Knight return DESCRIPTION/SUMMARY:  Here is what this text means to me: personification of… Continue reading Journal 5

Journal 4

How authors use language and syntax can make a difference in how they deliver the text. The attitudes and emotion are tied with their language. Rhetorical strategies and power of persuasion will come with their use of words and like a lawyer how much they bend the truth that may be up to interpretation. But… Continue reading Journal 4

Journal 3

Slipknot- devil inside The genre of the song is metal rock, however the music video and album portray a level of horror. Some of the biggest conventions present during the early 2000s were that “metal” and “rock” are not suppose to be this. I would say Slipknot and Linkin park broke away from generic metal… Continue reading Journal 3

Journal 2

José Esteban Muñoz    José Esteban Muñoz’s book on dis-identification, there is a passage from dissing identity, the passage breaks down what identify is. They start by addressing identity as fiction, that is accessed by the majority with ease. And the minorities aren’t able to access this identity because they do not align with it… Continue reading Journal 2

Journal 1

My name is Jumman Sheikh, I am a senior majoring in Chemistry and Biology, and will be pursuing a medical degree post-graduation. Some things about me are I am very open minded and I really enjoy talking to people from all kinds of backgrounds, specially in the arts and philosophy. I enjoy working out and… Continue reading Journal 1