Emily Zhang

Hello! I’m Emily, I’m a junior majoring in NBB. I’m from Denver, Colorado, and I love food and cats and I have a TikTok addiction.

My relationship to reading and writing is not fantastic, and my experiences and skills are limited to those from required English classes since middle school. I’m not sure what my learning style is!

I was a bookworm throughout elementary school and middle school, but I basically stopped reading for personal enjoyment in high school and only read required material for classes because I felt too busy to read for fun. Embarrassingly, the first time I read an actual book for fun since middle school might have been last spring, and I haven’t read another since. I think I’m still capable of enjoying reading, but I also think TikTok might have destroyed my attention span too much for me to sit down and actually read a book considering they can feel a little slow. With regards to required reading for a course like this one, I often have a very difficult time understanding and analyzing works. Additionally, I am definitely not a big fan of writing- it’s stressed me out since high school. Being creative is a weakness of mine, and I struggle with the open-endedness and subjectivity of writing compared to the definite, objective answers I’m able to find in my STEM courses. What I find most helpful with writing is clear guidelines and ample feedback. I hope to learn how to not be so terrified of or struggle so much with reading and writing in this class!

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