Journal 1

My name is Jumman Sheikh, I am a senior majoring in Chemistry and Biology, and will be pursuing a medical degree post-graduation. Some things about me are I am very open minded and I really enjoy talking to people from all kinds of backgrounds, specially in the arts and philosophy. I enjoy working out and eating a lot of food (hence why I workout).

My relationship with reading and writing are quite mixed, let me elaborate. With writing, I wouldn’t say I am the best writer or conveyer of information, but I have experience mainly in persuasive writing, and informative writing. However I definitely need to work on my writing for narrative since medical school applications require a narrative essay, and I just don’t know how to structure one (hence why I am a bad comedian). Now reading, to be honest, recently I started reading for fun, and taking the time to read, as a kid and well as a young adult I never read a single book, I figured if I wanted information I could just go on online and seek that information in 5mins then spend 2 weeks reading a book to gain that knowledge. Well that way of thinking for information extraction is efficient; the other benefits of reading I never got to reap. For instance ability to use bigger words that convey more meaning rather than saying 15 different words to express same meaning. I think a lot of not being able to read or enjoy books was my ADD that I didn’t get diagnosed till now, it was very hard to actually picture or pay attention to what is going on in a book when your mind is racing 200mph.

Overall I’m excited to read more in this course and in general in my life, and I hope to improve my critical thinking skills, reading comprehension skills, and of course my writing skills.

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