Margarethe Conner

English has always been one of my favorite subjects. I especially started loving it in high school because in my English classes we sat at a circular table and had discussions, which I found to be extremely stimulating. I felt that I learned the most that way, rather than in an English lecture. When I was younger I was an avid reader, and would read constantly. I lost that love of reading for fun for a while in high school because I felt that I couldn’t find any books that I really related to at that age; they either felt too young or too old. In the past year or two I’ve really re-discovered my love for reading, which might be partly because talking about books has become more popular on social media. In the summer and on breaks I read a lot. Recently I’ve been liking for books to provide a level of escapism, which I find that mysteries and romance do best.

My love of English has always been centered more around my love of reading, and not as much a love of writing. I don’t actively dislike writing, but I would prefer to just read and talk about books than write. I think that my writing style is somewhat simple; I don’t tend to embellish with many flowery words. I don’t think this is a positive or negative thing, it’s just how I naturally write. In this class I’d like to be able to formulate a few phrases or sentences in my writing that really “pack a punch”. Simplistic writing has its benefits, but I’d like to add in a few sentences or words here and there that really hit the reader.

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