Reading and Writing Post

by Joe Byun

Hi, my name is Joe Byun, and I’m a junior majoring in English. I am still learning and developing strategies in terms of reading and writing. I have loved reading books when I was young whether it was from fantasy books or sport books, it was a spark that I had for a while that enthralled me to learn more about everything, so I would say upon this class especially queer reading is something that interests me. I have taken many classes broadening my knowledge on how to represent the knowledge that I have gained through my classes with how I write. I feel generally that I write in a similar repeated format with the standard 5 paragraph essays with the introduction and conclusion and representing my knowledge towards there with some proofreading with reading aloud my essays a couple of times. I think my weakest aspect is with reading some forms of texts as trying to understand what I may be trying to look for or the unknown variable of how to approach the theme of the text. I think that in general for when I do write theses for papers, I tend to pick some broad topics when I address my points. I would say that my learning style tends to lean towards trying to sum up the reading’s messages so that when I look back on the readings it will be easier for me to understand. I hope that I can take away from the class to learn more about strategies to navigate and understand concepts faster.

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