Reading Journal 8

Some things that I like about my writing:

  1. When I have an essay or a paper assigned I am able to sit down and write for long periods of time, so it didn’t take me many sittings to finish the first draft of my essay
  2. I tend to write too much instead of not writing enough. Last semester I had a paper assigned that was 8-10 pages and I wrote 26 😭. While cutting down a paper can be disappointing sometimes if I like what I wrote, I think that it is easier than feeling you are done answering the prompt but still need to find a way to expand your argument to meet the minimum

Some things I need to work on:

  1. I get distracted pretty easily so I tend to prefer to write in quiet environments or with headphones on. I love the idea of sitting in a crowded coffee shop and people watching while I write, but if I were to sit in a coffee shop to work on a paper it would probably take me twice as long.
  2. I am not good at writing in drafts & instead I edit as I write. I recognize that sometimes you need to just get everything down on paper before going back and changing sentence structure, wording, grammar, etc., but this is not what my writing process looks like in practice. I reread paragraphs or sections over and over until I am happy with it, and then I move on to the next portion and repeat this until I am finished.

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