Reading Journal 8 – Chris C

I think some of my strengths when it comes to writing is how quickly I am able to develop an idea and fully realize it in my brainstorming. I also tend to write quickly (which seems to be a strength when it comes to meeting deadlines). However, despite wanting to finish whatever writing project I am working on as soon as possible, I always develop an outline to make sure I know what I want to talk about, and I like to think my outlines are concise.  

Some challenges I face in my writing is actually starting. I find myself going over the details in my head subconsciously, so much so that I freak myself out into putting it off until I absolutely need to finish it. It doesn’t help that when I do start writing, I cannot stop until I finish, which usually warrants me starting a writing assignment the day of the due date (the main cause for a lot of my unnecessarily sleepless nights). In terms of my writing, I often find that once I finish a first draft, I can’t bring myself to edit it out of embarrassment or fear of embarrassing myself, which I realize now is silly. This means that many tangents and unnecessary details do not get edited out, and I feel as if my writing is prone to those.  

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