Reading Journal 8 – Danny Flores

After writing most of the essay, I am pretty disappointed and frustrated with how much my writing skill has decreased since freshman year. I would have thought that my writing was going to be more creative and detailed but I feel like I have yet to be great in those skills. The strengths with this essay were mostly that I was able to write and explain the big ideas and main points. However, when it came to diving deep with the small important details of my analysis it lacked specificity and consistency. From the comments on my draft, I can tell that the reading on my part was fine, as in I understood it but when it came to writing what I understood was pretty difficult. For the most part, I think hesitancy was what played a role in this problem. I was hesitant to write specific details because I was afraid of having either too much or I was afraid that what I would write was going to be unnecessary (which did happen in the draft). Basing it off this essay, I wish to learn how to write with specific details without rambling. I want to be able to write the correct amount without sounding too off-topic. Also, I want to write with confidence because I think it is key when you write. If I write with hesitancy and I question everything I write, it will most likely come out pretty bad. I need to build as a confident writer and I am sure I will be able to write. However, I question how and when will this confidence arrive? I have no clue and no answer to that.

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