Reading Journal 8 – Dasia Hall

My midterm essay was a close read of the song ‘White Ferrari’ by Frank Ocean. I explained my interpretation of the lyrics while paying close attention to the form and structure of the song and how those elements impacted my experience of the song. I deviated from the typical essay format which I suprisingly enjoyed a lot! I think something I did well was organizing my essay before even writing it. With a clear roadmap in my mind, it was easy for me to get my thoughts down rather quickly. Writer’s block is something I struggle with sometimes, so this was exciting! I struggled a bit with confidence while writing. Across a lot of essays I have written, I think I lean on the same vocabulary words which gets boring to me after a while. Sometimes the thoughts I have for an essay are quite complex, but I don’t think I am fully equipped to express them in the depth that I want to. I want to take my writing to the next level which I think I can do by simply reading more. Reading the work of others can offer fresh perspectives and it always inspires new thoughts for me.

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